Monday, January 31, 2011

Tea for One

green tea
Last week I caught a cold that still hasn't gone away, so to soothe my throat I started drinking hot tea. Usually I prefer iced tea - I have to be in a certain mood to have hot drinks - and I usually drink black tea. However, I tried green tea for the first time in a long time yesterday and loved it.

Not only is it delicious, there are so many health benefits to green tea!
Here are some of the good things green tea does for you (these are in no particular order):
1. Lowers cholesterol
2. Burns more calories
3. Helps fight cancer and infections
4. Repairs immune system
5. Helps prevent tooth decay
6. Helps prevent diabetes

If you don't like hot drinks or the taste of green tea, try adding ice and lemonade to it to create a sweet flavor while still getting the benefits. Starbucks has a great drink called Iced Green Tea Lemonade and it's the perfect staple drink on a hot (or cold) day.

Now I just have to get to the dining hall so I can get some tea.
For future reference (in case you were wondering): coughing fits where tears stream down your eyes and you pull a muscle in your stomach in the middle of campus is not the best way to make an impression on anyone.

"My dear, if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a head I should better understand your affairs."

                       -Charles Dickens

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