Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Picture Perfect

I am always looking to learn more and more about technology, as these are the growing technological times. I am teaching myself how to use Photoshop...and while it is so much harder than it looks, once you understand a concept, it becomes much more fun and less intimidating to use. Polaroids are my favorite kind of picture. I love how you can capture the moment in one click, and there is no other picture that will look just like it. I used a picture I took in Connecticut at the Lobster Dock, and turned it into 2 different kinds of Polaroid-ish pictures.

My original picture

Polaroid 1

Polaroid 2

This was so much fun to try, but I struggled at first. Technological concepts sometimes baffle me, so it just takes me a little more time.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sweet and Simple

I'm such a foodie - especially during the holidays. I enjoy looking through cookbooks and marking pages of meals and desserts that I would one day want to make. During the year I'm not home enough to make new meals. Inspired by the holidays and music medleys (which I sometimes think are more interesting than regular songs), I wanted to mash-up two of my favorite things: milkshakes and peppermint candy canes.

A dessert in a drink, peppermint milkshakes are simple and easy to make.

I put candy canes in a plastic bag and used a meat hammer to crush them. Put 3 ice cream scoops in a blender and add a tablespoon of peppermint syrup. If you don't want to use syrup, you can also just add the crushed peppermint into the mix (I did both).

Blend for a couple of seconds so the drink will have a thick consistency. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with crushed candy cane. 

What you'll use:
*3 scoops of vanilla ice cream
*1 tablespoon of Torani Peppermint syrup
* 1/4 cup of milk
*Peppermint candy canes
*Whipped cream

Friday, November 19, 2010

Too Cute

favorite :) save the dolphins
my life
www.Zooborns.com. I could spend all day on this site.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

No Day But Today

"Iris, in the movies we have leading ladies and we have the best friend. You, I can tell, are a leading lady, but for some reason you are behaving like the best friend." 
-Arthur Abbott in The Holiday

Cellphone Cuddling

As I perused the New York Times this morning, I stumbled upon an article that I found incredibly relevant. The article was called "Should You Be Snuggling With Your Cellphone?" written by Randall Stross. Much too often I fall asleep with my phone in my hands or right next to me. The article goes on to explain that cellphone radiation can be harmful to one's health and brain. BlackBerries should be held an inch away from your head when you are using it. IPhones should be held 5/8 of an inch away from your head. The radiation can damage cells that lead to cancer, so sleeping with your phone on your stomach or next to your head is not the best idea. 

Texting has become a phenomenon, and I will easily admit that I enjoy texting. While sometimes it can be a pain, it's the easiest way to get a hold of someone quickly without having to make a big deal about it. I usually don't like talking on the phone because it leads to awkward silences and trying to fill the silence with conversations about the weather or "so yeah." With a text you can say what you want and then be done with it. With this radiation information surfacing, texting may become even more popular than it already is. With all the time spent talking on cellphones (on average 737 minutes per month!), serious damage can be done, slowly but surely. 

If you have to make a call, use wireless or a head-set, don't press your cell phone against your ear, and don't fall asleep with it! 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day!

Artist: Jasper Johns

Photographer: Susan Strom

Happy Veterans Day! I dedicate this post to my Grandpa, who fought in World War II and the Korean War. I grew up knowing that my Grandpa had gone through war, but he never told stories about his experiences. My Grandpa, along with other veterans and men and women currently defending our country, are true heroes. When I was younger my family would drive to my grandparents' farm, where there would be a parade in the town nearby honoring those who have served in the military. I stood on the sidewalk with my cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, and friends while my Grandpa rode on a decorated float in his hat and medals pinned to his shirt. We would wave small American flags, eat candy and hamburgers, and cheer. One year my sister and I even got to ride one of the floats. It's so much fun being patriotic and incredibly important to honor those who have fought for our freedom. Take some time, or even just a minute, honoring those who are fighting for our country now or for a grandparent, family member, or friend who has served in previous wars.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Daily Inspirations

[Photo Credit - www.pigeontoeceramics.com]

"I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned."
-Iron and Wine
[Photo Credit - eventphotoimages.com]
 Ice hotel in Quebec

Hawaii sky

[Photo Credit - blizzardboy.net]

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm Capsized Staring on the Edge of Safe

[Photo Credit - www.enderbynest.blogspot.com]

Snow for Days

[Photo Credit - ronsaari.com]
Every year, the debate about 'when Christmas music can start being played' always arises. After Halloween, before Thanksgiving, immediately after Turkey Day, mid-December, and so forth. I think it's a personal choice, but I am wary about getting burned out from holiday music overplay...then again, I don't think that's possible. I love the holidays. All morning I stared out the windows of the train back to school, watching snow flurries form a blanket over the ground. In New York, decorations are already starting to go up, and it's one of the best times of the year. 

After Thanksgiving, the big tree in NYC will be lit. Bows will be wrapped around buildings, snowflake lights will dangle from street lamps, and the City will sparkle. I always enjoy watching the people who are watching the people ice skating in the Rockefeller Center (which I have done, and is beyond magical). 

[Photo Credit - www.commons.wikimedia.org]
New York City holidays are definitely something to experience. Although, as much as the City will always be one of those places for me, nothing beats home. My hometown has the best holiday decorations on "Snowflake Lane." One winter we got so much snow that school was canceled for days and I literally sat in bed, ate, and watched Grey's Anatomy from start to finish. (That's when I officially became hooked.) 

Anyways, currently listening to...Christmas music. I caved. :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

[Photo Credit - shockhound.com]

"And I'll watch your life in pictures, like I used to watch you sleep.
And I'll feel you forget me, like I used to feel you breathe." 
- T.Swift

[Artist: Dale Frank; Photo Credit - www.roslynoxley9.com.au]

"Only one thing I did wrong, stayed in Mississippi a day too long."
-Bob Dylan

[Photo Credit - www.harpersbazaar.com]


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