Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Color of the Month

Parlez-Vous OPI - which you can find here!

Current Must Reads

A good book is sometimes hard to find. We've been trained to not judge a book by it's cover (metaphorically speaking), but literally speaking, I am usually most intrigued by a book if it has a captivating cover! School and personal projects just don't leave much time for pleasure reading, but somehow I will just have to make the time!

A few of my upcoming must-reads (just for fun):
1. Onward by Howard Schultz
2. The Social Animal by David Brooks
3. Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion
4. The Tiger's Wife by Tea Obreht
5. Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer

What books are you reading?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The College Decision

April 1 is just around the corner, and life-changing decisions will finally be revealed to hundreds of thousands of high school seniors. Applying to college was one of most stressful times of my life. Ironically, for having been a crazy mess during senior year, I put myself through the application process a second time by transferring my sophomore year of college.

The college admission process is a random, sometimes seemingly unfair way of judging a student, as it is based on GPA, SAT, ACT, grades, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and background information. These are only snapshots of all that a person has to offer. Some of the most overqualified, hardworking, and smartest people I know were rejected from schools that were a perfect fit, while others who didn’t work hard in high school and didn’t participate in extracurricular activities were welcomed with open arms to top universities. The process is a scary and unpredictable obstacle that we must overcome in order to continue on to higher education, but no matter where you end up, it’s really what you make of your college experience.

Having been through the process twice, taken standardized tests multiple times, asked teachers for letters of recommendations, and stressed over grades, in hindsight it almost seems a bit silly. Was it worth all that stress? As my roommate my first semester of sophomore year wisely told me, “there’s no need to stress, your work is going to get done regardless.” It was true. Despite what was being stressed over, there was no need to worry, since it was all going to be over with eventually. I am not the type of person to avoid doing what needs to get done. When it is all said and done, my work was going to be completed. Applications and the college process are going to be over with soon enough. Stress isn't going to help in any way, shape, or form – it could only do more bad than good.

At the time, the college application was the most stressful thing to me, but once that passes, stress takes on another life of its own through different things, such as college projects, midterms, internships, jobs, even socially. It is all relative. To a senior in high school, college is the biggest worry; for a senior in college, it’s finding a job after graduation.

Family and friends can tell you “everything will be okay,” and maybe it will, but it takes time to come to that conclusion on your own. And even when you think you realize it, sometime else will appear out of nowhere and take you back to square one. It’s difficult, to say the least, to be critiqued and rejected based on numbers and the opinions of others. In the end, though, the decision of one school isn’t going to make or break the rest of your life.
At least that’s one less thing to worry about.


"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."
                            -Dolly Parton

It's pouring rain and I have two tests to study for..yet it's another one of those days.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Leaving On a Jet Plane

Plane ride 2010
The world looks so peaceful from way up high

After having flown back and forth across the country many times and to different parts of the world, I have learned a thing or two about traveling. I spend a good amount of time at airports, whether I am sitting around waiting or sprinting to different terminals. As much as I love to travel, sometimes it can be a hassle.
Here are some things I've learned along the way...

  • Carry-on when flying domestic (or whenever possible) - you won't have to wait in long lines at baggage claim
  • For international flights, it is worth checking your bag in because usually you are bringing more clothes and have a larger luggage, which is a pain to not only drag around the airport, but to find overhead space on the plane 
  • If you're checking in baggage, have an extra set of clothes and toiletries with you in case the airline loses your bag
...What to Wear
  • Large scarf or shawl that can be used as a makeshift blanket - airplanes can get cold!
  • While I want to be as comfortable as possible on planes, I try to avoid wearing sweatpants...find pair of jeans that will be wearable for many hours
  • Clothes that don't show wrinkles or wrinkle in the first place
  • Shoes that you can walk fast/run in...for when you're flight runs late and you need to rush to your connecting flight
  • Always have at least 1 book on hand...there's so much time waiting around/being in the air, it's the perfect time to catch up on "fun" reading
  • Also, a good time to catch up on magazines!
  • If you're going to be using your phone to text friends or browse the internet while you wait, make sure you have your phone charger with you - it's so inconvenient to have a dead phone when you need to make a phone call after landing
  • The airport is a prime place for people-watching
  • Chewy bars or fruit are perfect for carry-on snacks...traveling really takes it out of you
  • Pick up a water at the Convenient Store after passing through security - flying is super dehydrating
  • Check-in and print your boarding pass the night before your flight, it saves so much time and prevents the frustration of having to wait in lines
Every time I travel I learn something new. I'm constantly trying to figure out the quickest way to get through security, or how to pack the right amount of clothing for a trip. I usually always have at least one struggle moment at the airport, but as long as I don't miss my flight, I'm good to go.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet

Spring 2009

Apparently it's Spring, but the weather is telling me otherwise. In California this past week it was cold and pouring rain. I am thrilled to be moving into a new season and out of winter "wonderland." While I didn't have to deal with the bitter East Coast winter this year, I still had my fair share of chilly days. I will definitely be greeting the sun with open arms.

This Spring I'm looking forward to:

*reading out on the grass
*maxi dresses and summer dresses
*denim shorts and knit tank tops
*raspberry lemonade
*sun-kissed glow
*walking to Starbucks
*frozen yogurt and fresh fruit
*packing up boots and winter wear
*bright colors and pastels
*ice cream
*sunglasses and floppy hats
*lounging by the pool
*being done with sophomore year
*registering for new classes
*exploring Los Angeles
*trying new restaurants
*movie dates with my roommates
*being thismuchcloser to summer
Outside my window

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Currently Dreaming Of...

Taken in 2009
I have started using all of my own photos for my blog posts. I think it will be a good way to improve my photography skills. Also, one of my new goals is to post daily. Dream big, people.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One Day at a Time

As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day
(I took this picture in the time flies)
In my attempt to get more done and utilize my time efficiently, I've adopted a new routine (though still being on a time difference of 2 hours kind of helps). Waking up at 5:30am has been productive and refreshing for the past 2 days, but I don't know how much longer it can last. In order to wake up early, it requires going to bed somewhat early.

Given the amount of work I have...I need more time in my day. It has been a 15 hour day so a couple of hours I'll go to sleep, and then wake up to do it all again. I have so many other things besides homework that I want to do, so I'll just keep workin at it and before I know it things will start coming together.

Heard someone say that there are only 7 more weeks until summer...please and thank you.

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Photo Diary from Peru

For my spring break, I traveled to Peru with a school group and we went around Lima to set up mobile clinics for those with little access to health care. My school joined other colleges around the country. We stayed in a Youth Hostel, ate the local food, and explored Lima together in our free time (which included Karaoke, trips to the Supermarket, horseback riding, white water rafting, ATV-ing, vineyard tours).

During the days we drove an hour out of the city to poorer parts of Lima, and groups of students would set up stations, such as Vitals, Doctor, Dentist, Gynocologist, Pharmacy, and Toothbrushing. Throughout the week, I had a chance to work at each of these stations. I learned a lot about Peru, medicine, the friends I made, and myself. This trip reminded me once again how fortunate and lucky I am, and re-motivated me to be the best that I can.

Groups of students were designated to work on the "stair project," where we mixed cement and poured it into a wooden frame to make stairs. Stairs are crucial for those who live in the areas where we worked because the land is dusty and rocky, so when women, men, or children go down to the main road to get their buckets of water, (which is delivered every so often via truck - there's no running water or infrastructure) they won't fall and hurt themselves. The day before we arrived, a man slipped and died going down the hill. Stairs are not only safe, but they raise the property value of the homes by a couple hundred dollars. At the end of the week we had an inauguration celebration for the stairs and trees were planted.
These are just some of the pictures I took.

To say it was an amazing, worthwhile, eye-opening experience is an understatement.


Friday, March 4, 2011

There have been a lot of lasts in my life, and thinking about it puts me in a sentimental mood.

1. Saying goodbye to a group of friends at summer camp
2. Last day of being [age younger than the next age]
3. Last being able to order off the kids menu
4. Last Saturday night pizza-and-movie at Conn
5. Last summer

Some lasts to look forward to:
1. Last first kiss
2. Last first date
3. Last math test
4. Last time using a dorm shower


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