Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shameless Promotion (Doing it for the Kittens!)

This summer I volunteered at a no-kill animal shelter called Animal Haven.

One of the most expensive items the shelter purchases is paper towels, which let me tell you, really gets used up fast! When you have to wipe puppy poop from off the floor (after they've slipped in it, spread it around, pawed at each others' faces, and jumped up onto your jeans...) a reusable towel doesn't work because it will contaminate the other towels and sheets and water in the washing machine. Paper towels are a must - in addition to the other important necessities the shelter provides for the animals, such as food, neutering, spaying, vet trips, and vaccinations.

Look how cute Moo is!:
[Photo credit -]

To help the shelter raise funds, I created a donation site from their own website. I dedicated the site to my childhood cats, Muffy and Troy. Anything you can give helps! And even if you don't, just spreading awareness is so helpful! My goal is $5,000 (ambitious, I know, but I really believe it can be achieved with the aid of good-hearted people such as yourself...). If you know anyone living in NYC or New Jersey (or anywhere else), let them know about Animal Haven. They have the cutest puppies and kittens coming into the shelter every week who want a warm and safe home.

I had to include a plug for the animal shelter that works hard every single day to ensure that animals are kept safe, fed, and loved. Thank you for your help/awareness/time!

Once again, the link. :)

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