Monday, March 21, 2011

My Photo Diary from Peru

For my spring break, I traveled to Peru with a school group and we went around Lima to set up mobile clinics for those with little access to health care. My school joined other colleges around the country. We stayed in a Youth Hostel, ate the local food, and explored Lima together in our free time (which included Karaoke, trips to the Supermarket, horseback riding, white water rafting, ATV-ing, vineyard tours).

During the days we drove an hour out of the city to poorer parts of Lima, and groups of students would set up stations, such as Vitals, Doctor, Dentist, Gynocologist, Pharmacy, and Toothbrushing. Throughout the week, I had a chance to work at each of these stations. I learned a lot about Peru, medicine, the friends I made, and myself. This trip reminded me once again how fortunate and lucky I am, and re-motivated me to be the best that I can.

Groups of students were designated to work on the "stair project," where we mixed cement and poured it into a wooden frame to make stairs. Stairs are crucial for those who live in the areas where we worked because the land is dusty and rocky, so when women, men, or children go down to the main road to get their buckets of water, (which is delivered every so often via truck - there's no running water or infrastructure) they won't fall and hurt themselves. The day before we arrived, a man slipped and died going down the hill. Stairs are not only safe, but they raise the property value of the homes by a couple hundred dollars. At the end of the week we had an inauguration celebration for the stairs and trees were planted.
These are just some of the pictures I took.

To say it was an amazing, worthwhile, eye-opening experience is an understatement.


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